Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Valentine's Day Party Fun

Friday February 13th we celebrated Valentine's Day with our annual party.  I was looking for some easy party ideas and games to make the afternoon festivities go smoothly, but pack in a ton of fun.  I found several games and the craft we did at: MomSwimBikeRun.  She shared all the fun Minute to Win it games we played (Cookie Face, Cupid's Bow and Arrow, and Marshmallow Toss) and the Heart Goggles craft that my 3rd Graders actually loved to create.  We did all the activities in stations and rotated to help my darlings follow directions better.  I had planned on doing the candy heart stacking game, but we ran out of time.  I meant to get pictures of all the games, but we were having so much fun that I did not get any of cookie face or marshmallow toss.  They kids decided to save their cookies from the floor by doing the game over their desks (so smart!) and I bought heart shaped marshmallows instead of miniature ones, which added a level of difficulty, but made it fun in a small space.  We started the party with a snack and passing out our valentine cards, then we played the games, and wrapped up with our photo booth and voted on our favorite Valentine box to put on display in the art display case.

Heart Goggles
Our Favorite Valentine's Box

Second Place
One Mom brought in a ring toss game and prizes

Heart Goggles and Cupid's Bow and Arrows Game

More Cupid's Arrows

Photo Fun
Photo Booth

Even the Mom's got in the booth!
Total our party was an hour, and it was perfect! Share in the comments some of your favorite party games!

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