Sunday, June 9, 2013

Optimum Organization Linky Party

Thanks to my colleague Sarah at Third Grade Skinny-I am linking up with Kristen from Ladybug's Teacher Files for her Optimum Organization Linky Party!

This goes right along with my summer goal of organization!!! If you also would like to get more organized this summer to OPTIMIZE your new school year time, consider linking up!

My organization find for this week is a preview to the items I was going to share next week.  Below is a picture of what I hope to create with my own materials and my Cricut during the week.  I hope to have my own pictures and ideas to share and update this post next week.  Hopefully my 18 month old will cooperate with my organization plans ;-)

Adventures of 5th Grade

Hope you have a productive week!


  1. Oh my goodness....this is exactly what is on my to do list today :) Thanks for linking up with us!


    Fun in Room 4B

    1. So fun!!! I just finished mine, hope you have gotten yours done as well. Can't wait to see.
